Dr Ali

Dr Ali

“Chandlers Chatters is a really wonderful place to start the education with your children. The staff are always warm, friendly and kind. Our child learned so much while he was there and the real measure of success for me was that he couldn’t wait to enter the nursery – always with big smiles on entering […]

Marietherese Jatta

Chandlers Chatters Playgroup has contributed greatly towards our child’s improvement in various aspects. We noticed he has built up more confidence in himself, being able to have a good constructive conversation with an adult and his friends as well, a better understanding of science at their level, just to name a few. His key worker […]

Jenna Charity

My Son has attended Chandlers throughout the crazy year of 2020. Considering the short amount of time he’s had in the setting I couldn’t be happier. I have always found the team to be friendly and approachable. They are fantastic with the children and keep very good communication with parents. My Son has a great […]

Rachel Bracken

Both of my children have attended Chandlers Chatters and have loved it. The teachers are brilliant and my children both bonded very well with them all. The structure of the sessions works very well and they were both fully prepared for starting school. My children’s birthdays are September and August, so the oldest and youngest […]

Jenny Brassel

Chandlers Chatters is a wonderful, welcoming preschool that all my children have attended.  They have left more confident & ready for the next stage of school life

Michelle Stansbie

My little girl has been at Chandlers Chatters for 2 years now and is returning to her last year as a rising 5 in September. I can’t thank the kind, supportive staff enough for firstly helping to settle her in making a very emotional and difficult time for a first time mum so easy. My […]