Ni Requirements

When the cruise demo catalog file is selected as the “document” covering the requirements of the specification document, NI Requirements Gateway provides several views to analyze coverage information. NI Requirements Gateway also displays the structure of the catalog file. This is shown in Figure 21. The requirements for travel between NI and ROI do not change. In accordance with the provisions of the NI Protocol, the EU Household Travel Regulation will continue to apply to travel between NI and EU Member States, including return on investment, after the end of the transition period. All applicants must obtain signed corporate letters confirming their experience with the mandatory requirements. The sample letter can be downloaded from this page. Your pet may be released if it meets the entry requirements. Most engineering projects start with high-level specifications, followed by more detailed specifications as the project progresses. Specifications contain technical and procedural requirements that guide the product through each stage of development.

In addition, working documents such as hardware schematics, simulation models, software source code, and test specifications and procedures must comply with and cover the requirements defined by the specifications. Tracking the relationship between requirements and test, measurement, and control software is critical to validating implementation, analyzing the full impact of changing requirements, and understanding the impact of test failures. Performing this coverage and impact analysis helps engineers meet their requirements and streamline development efforts. NI Requirements Gateway is ideal for applications where complex components are simulated or tested against documented requirements in industries such as automotive, defense, aerospace, and consumer electronics. This document provides a brief overview of NI Requirements Gateway and how NI Requirements Gateway interacts with applications to collect traceability information. For more information about using NI Requirements Gateway, see the Getting Started Guide and the Software User Guide. While previous screenshots show NI TestStand and Telelogic DOORS, NI Requirements Gateway can also be used to collect traceability information from other software. You can use NI Requirements Gateway with the NI LabVIEW graphical development environment, LabWindows/CVI for ANSI C development, NI TestStand test management software, and MATRIXx design and development tools, as well as several popular requirements management and documentation tools such as Telelogic DOORS, IBM Rational RequisitePro, and Microsoft Word. Service dogs must meet all pet travel program requirements or may be quarantined upon arrival at NI.

You must quarantine your pet upon arrival at NI if it does not meet the entry requirements. You have to bear the costs. The secret to capturing traceability relationships is the use of request IDs. A common practice for documenting requirements is that they contain an identifier as well as textual information that describes the requirement. NI Requirements Gateway looks for request ID references in cover documents, such as TestStand sequences or LabVIEW VIs. The basic idea is similar to what is shown in Figure 6 above. Later in this document, we will describe some of the standard interactions of NI Requirements Gateway with NI requirements management, documentation, testing, measurement, and control software. In many cases, there are standard syntaxes for specifying that a CVI, LabVIEW VI, or TestStand step covers a requirement.

In any case, this default interaction can be adjusted if necessary. In addition to collecting requirements and traceability information, NI Requirements Gateway provides a navigation between a selected item in NI Requirements Gateway and the appropriate specification or application. In the event that changes need to be made to the source code in response to a change in requirements, this navigation makes it easier to locate the desired section code. If the system requirements change REQ_ROM in the sample project in this section, you must return to the NI TestStand step that covers this requirement to verify that the requirements are still met or to make any necessary changes. Your TestStand sequence can contain hundreds of steps. When you choose Navigate from the Context Menu, as shown in Figure 7, NI Requirements Gateway starts TestStand, opens the appropriate sequence file, and runs the ROM step. Requirements Gateway is application software that links development and verification documents to formal requirements in documents and databases. If you do not have the correct documents upon arrival or if your pet has not been properly prepared, it may be sent to quarantine until it fully meets entry requirements or returned to the country from which it travelled. You have to bear the costs. You can use Microsoft Word to define formatting styles.

If you use the default font, font size, color, etc., the style is Normal. If you make formatting changes, you can save those settings with a style name. One way NI Requirements Gateway interacts with Microsoft Word is by searching for text in specific formatting styles. Standard styles used by the software include Requirement_ID and Requirement_Text. When you use Telelogic DOORS for requirements management, your requirements are stored in modules in a database. There are two standard methods for NI Requirements Gateway to retrieve information from DOORS. In one case, NI Requirements Gateway uses the native ID of an object. In the other advanced interface of DOORS, an attribute called ReqID is referenced. The DOORS module shown in Figure 9 can be used with the advanced interface and is used in the project presented in the visit above.