Extralegal Definition Simple

These sample phrases are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “extralegal”. The views expressed in the examples do not represent the views of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. I have a position at TechDirt, where I will occasionally contribute from now on, on John Ashcroft`s recent comment defending telecommunications immunity for cooperation in eavesdropping. People do not engage in extra-legal activities for any reason, but to improve their lot in life; Whether it`s a second car or air conditioning for your Paris apartment. The United States has called on China to end the “extralegal” detention and kidnapping of lawyers and human rights activists, the State Department said Tuesday. Amy, the actress with deep ties to the industry, has seen actors get what they need through “friendly” doctors and extra-legal means. “Extralegal.” Merriam-Webster.com dictionary, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/extralegal. Retrieved 27 September 2022. The poor, who are not stupid, naturally build, own, buy and sell their domains on an “extra-legal” market – a domain outside the official law. There was also nothing “extralegal” about the CIA interrogations. While admitting that the burglaries were “extralegal,” he justified them as protecting the “greater good.” The government maintained its power for a while through extra-legal acts and annulled election results it did not like. In my opinion, there is a small difference between illegal and extra-legal.

Extra-legal usually involves something that is done outside the bounds of the law, but is somehow justified by common sense, because that law is ill-conceived, biased, bigotistic, malicious, or just plain absurd. For example, someone shouting “Kim Jong-Il NULL!” in North Korea is doing something extraordinary in the eyes of Westerners and illegal in the eyes of North Korea. Our country is becoming a police state, and these kinds of extrajudicial atrocities are a big step in that direction. The other front is outside the bounds of constitutional and democratic competition and in the realm of illegal or extrajudicial efforts to undermine the electoral process. US calls on China to end abductions of lawyers and activists The US government has called on China to end “extra-legal” abductions and detentions of lawyers and human rights activists. This is the kind of extrajudicial America was supposed to prevent. To think otherwise is to suggest that people engage in extralegal economic activities just to smile and laugh. The numerical value of the extralegal in Chaldean numerology is: 5 “there were only extrajudicial remedies for their complaints” The group mourns a friend who died a year earlier and tries to fund a move to California through various extra-legal programs that put them in unintentional conflict with other local antics. Overloaded or overwhelmed?, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library for Economy and Freedom. Think Progress » Malkin on prisoner suicides: “Boo-Freakin-Hoo”.