Explain Select Case Statement with Syntax Flowchart and Example

If testexpression matches a Case expression list clause, the statements that follow that Case statement are executed in the next Case, Case Else, or End Select statement. The control then passes to the statement after the end selection. If testexpression matches an expressionlist clause in more than one Case clause, only statements after the first match are executed. When you get to the add symbol step, you should pay attention to the meaning of the top flowchart symbols: The following code example demonstrates the use of the Select Case statement. He decides the term golf, which is the number of shots it takes for a golfer to get the ball into a 5-par hole. The following diagram shows how to select a case in the switch enclosure: If you see the above result, the Select Case statement corresponding to the enumeration value was generated in the console window. If a Case keyword is missing from the article above, we`ve mentioned almost all the scenarios of switch statements and the outputs they can generate. Although it is very easy to work on switching instructions, it must be well understood by the programmer before working on them, as this can sometimes lead to unexpected results when mistakes are made. Typically, the switch should be used in a scenario where the action must be performed under certain conditions and there are many conditions. With only 2-3 conditions, things can be settled with if-else-if statements. Let`s give an example of how Select Case Statement is used in VB.Net: Code Line 5: The value of the variable name is used for comparisons with different Case statements to find a match.

The ToLower() function ensures that any name entered by the user is first converted to lowercase before evaluating Case statements. That is, when the user enters guru99, he is immediately converted to guru99, and then the evaluation of the case instructions is completed. When the user enters John, it is immediately converted to john before the evaluation of Case statements is complete. With Select. Case statement in Visual Basic, we can override the functionality of if. otherwise if to ensure better readability of the code. There is a potential problem with the if-else statement, which is the complexity of the program as the number of alternative paths increases. If you use multiple if-else constructs in your program, it can become difficult to read and understand a program. Sometimes it can confuse even the developer who wrote the program himself. The Is keyword used in the Case and Case Else statements is not the same as the Is operator used for comparing object references.

If the code in a Case or Case Else statement block does not need to execute any other statements in the block, it can exit the block using the Exit Select statement. This immediately transfers control to the End Select statement. A general syntax for how switch-case is implemented in a `C` program is as follows: The Select Case statement is especially useful when an expression returns different values, each leading to a different program execution path. If you follow the syntax above, we have a choice. Case statement with multiple case statements. The Select statement evaluates the value of the expression/variable by matching the values of the Case statement (value1, value2, and so on). If the value of the variable/expression matches one of the case statements, the statements are executed in that particular case. In general, Visual Basic uses selection. The Case statement is a collection of multiple Case statements and executes only one Case statement based on the corresponding value of the defined expression. However, this selection expression is often associated with complicated experiments when multiple if statements are nested to execute different situations. To execute a statement by comparing the values of multiple cases, programmers have two options. First, the if-else statement, which produces the decision based on the result of the expression.

If you see the above result, the Case statement (20) matches the expression value set (20) and executes the statements in the corresponding Case statement. The flowchart of the switch statement contains several branches that make it difficult to use. Meanwhile, the if-else statement follows only two paths, depending on the value of the expression (true or false). – Add flowchart symbols with relevant shapes to describe the flow of the program During programming, it is very difficult to process different actions under different conditions. In Java and many other programming languages, statements such as if-else, if-else-if are used under different conditions. But what if there are “n” number of scenarios that require separate actions for each condition? Several if and else-if statements at this point in the code can confuse the programmer at some point in the code, as they involve multiple braces and a set of instructions for each condition. To handle such situations in Java, switching case statements are used to facilitate programming and reduce the line of code and complexity. In C we can have an internal switch built into an external switch. In addition, the case constants of the internal and external switches can have common and conflict-free values. Each case in a block of a switch has a different name/number, called an identifier. The user-specified value is compared to all cases in the switch block until the match is found.

If the value of the expression matches, the corresponding Case statement block and the Select statement are executed. Otherwise, it goes to the second Case statement and checks whether the value of the expression matches or not, just as the search continues until the correct Case statement is found. The switch statement implements program execution by comparing output values from multiple cases. If a matching value is detected, the program executes the block code of a labeled case. Otherwise, the default block is automatically enabled for the operation if no matching value is detected. If no value matches switch expression 7), switch statements are limited to integer values only in the verification condition. Layer announcement syntax only works with integers to modify program sequences. Therefore, it does not include options for strings and floating-point. In addition, it is not allowed to work with zones (other than those explicitly listed). The switch statement is a branch statement.

Case is a keyword used with the switch statement. It executes statements/statements when the value of the expression matches the value of the case and the code of the respective statements is terminated by the break keyword. Case values in Java can be octte, int, short, and byte data types. With Java JDK7, the case value can also be string, wrapper, and enumerated types. If any of the values in Case do not match the expression, the default statement is executed. However, the default and break keywords are not required in switch case instructions. Select Case is a conditional statement that allows you to test the equality of a variable against a set of values.