Aspectos Medico Legales En Ginecologia

The process of obstetric care is complex and requires that institutions and obstetricians-gynecologists are able to provide effective and safe care. Avoiding legal problems is a necessity and maintains a very close relationship with the safety of patient care. It is not a question of preventing claims or denunciations, but of trying to ensure that successful claims of technical competence are the minimum, and to avoid the appearance of sentinel events3. When it comes to our area of expertise, the requirements are in many ways similar to those of diagnostic ethics in the rest of medicine. In fact, the formulation of a diagnostic hypothesis has a direct relationship with the moral qualities of the doctors who formulate it. It is inextricably linked to the practice of a good history, a thorough physical examination, a medical knowledge of the pathologies and the supporting examinations available to support its hypothesis. The diagnostic process requires, among other things, the use of clinical, communicative, ethical and epidemiological skills. In principle, these are the same as those on which a judge decides when judging good or professional misconduct in medicine. Obstetrics in clinical care is a permanent source of ethical questions for specialists. In this article, which has the character of an essay, a first introductory part is discussed, which gives an overview of the anthropological dimension of obstetric care. Then, the need to refer to a greater number of principles in the basis of obstetric work is emphasized. Finally, it deals mainly with the ethical aspects of his practice as an emergency obstetrician and the ethics of diagnosis; Have important aspects discussed in a future opportunity. The memory of many clinicians who had ephemeral contact with the specialty, they usually remember a specialty of emergencies, careers, a lot of blood and stress with sometimes painful consequences.

As is true in a sense, obstetric urgency is also rewarding, stimulating and allows for the development of medical-surgical and communicative skills, empathy, confinement and necessarily teamwork. The latter has not always functioned as an ethical requirement or less as a personal effort. In recent years, we have developed academic activities of greater commitment to enable skills in these precarious aspects of the specialty, such as accompaniment in perinatal bereavement and decision-making in the face of prenatal diagnoses incompatible with life, among others. Given these situations, some of the recommendations of the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics must be taken into account in order to avoid lawsuits and medico-legal problems4: Quote like: Guevara R. Medico-legal problems in obstetrics. It is important to ask why a diagnosis is made? Lain Entralgo (13) identifies four reasons: sword (scientific motif); aid (humanitarian grounds); profit (personal prestige); and contribute to the social order (legal or administrative consequences)”. In our time, the same diagnosis further acts as a sedative of fear with which the doctor often responds to his insecurity, and above necessity or non-necessity is the defense against legal requirements and the critical point of view of his colleagues. Understood as this discipline, which constitutes a material object of study, namely human life and life, in the case of obstetrics, will be the physiological and pathological aspects of the pregnancy and childbirth of man. In order to approach emerging human life and the woman who realizes it, this material object of study, a “formal” study tool is used, which belongs neither to the natural sciences nor to medicine as a study of diseases, but to philosophy and in particular to a branch of it, ethics. whose purpose is the distinction of the good. Obstetrics is a very complex medical specialty, mainly due to the great advances that medicine has experienced in this specialty. Harmonious and disciplined multidisciplinary teamwork is necessary, in an environment where respect and proper treatment of the patient are the norm and the right to information is the guide that guides the doctor against any risk endangering the health of the mother-child pair1.

During obstetric care, there are incidents every day that can lead to lawsuits and legal medical problems, especially during obstetrics, which can lead to neonatal encephalopathy, or when inadequate delivery care has been provided that cause injuries to the newborn or even the death of the fetus2 or injuries in pregnant women such as postpartum bleeding due to uterine atony, Lacerations of the birth canal or uterine inversion. Title: MEDICAL LEGAL ASPECTS IN GYNAECOLOGY AND. 8. From the moment it is suspected that an act could lead to legal proceedings, doctors are advised to contact the Legal Board to take appropriate steps in the right direction. It has become, little by little in the country, the unhealthy practice for patients and very profitable for the economic management of institutional providers to conclude “closed” agreements with staff doctors. Thus, a new element of frailty is integrated into the clinical relationship, which must be approached with the responsibility that is required by those who take charge of the transitional care of a patient during her official hours. The call for reflection contains a basic ethical principle that is in addition to the previous ones and which is the NoAbandono principle. Those who have a duty to manage the mode of medical care at the indicated times are responsible for facilitating and enabling the continuity of studies, treatments and, ultimately, medical care that ensures the well-being of patients in an emergency.

This is not a good opportunity to deal with broader definitions, which certainly exist, because we will lose valuable lines to devote ourselves to the topics in our area of expertise. Obstetrics offers a broad front of discussions and some points, not a few, in which there is a more or less passionate discussion about what to do in certain situations. As already mentioned, the intention of this article is not to tell our colleagues what to do, we simply strive to highlight what appears in the daily efforts of our actions as doctors as spaces in which it is necessary to reflect again and again on what has been done and the values that enter into collisions or conflicts. 1. Chavez A, Madrigal E, Ugalde JG. Complaints of medical liability in gynecoobstetria. Rev Latinoam der Med Médic Leg. 2000;5(2)-2001;6(1):47-52. Shipping costs are calculated based on the weight of a 2.2 LB or 1 KG pound.

If your order is too large or too heavy, we may contact you to inform you of the additional shipping costs required. That the right effect is directly that which is sought by the acting person, both in effect and in intention. In this case, save the mother and do it in such a way that the life of the fetus can be saved, if possible obstetrics is a constant source of ethical questions for specialists. This article is an essay with an introduction to the anthropological dimension of obstetric care. Second, it develops the need for a greater number of principles in which obstetric care is supported. Finally, the article delves into the ethical aspects of obstetric complications and diagnostic techniques. However, it will remain important to discuss this in a future opportunity. It must be recognized that a lot of ink is thrown to criticize what is denounced as moral hypocrisy when it is said that the principle of double effect is a secret form of abortion. In addition, we will say that as long as there are no serious ways to destroy this foundation, the actions of professionals faced with such a serious and complex decision will continue to be used and justified.

Those who feel it is impossible to protect two assets, two values or two lives at stake, which are generally not obstetricians, suggest that it is better to remain silent with caution. Clarity as to the well-founded existence of a situation of such gravity that it justifies action at that time. This is because it would be morally reprehensible if both lives were lost if they did not act or act too late. Prudent judgment and current medical knowledge From a moral analysis perspective that takes into account the purpose, end and circumstances, we will say that the purpose of the law is to “terminate the pregnancy” and that the purpose of the law – or that refers to the intention that motivates the agent to perform the action – is to: to improve the mother and try to save the fetus.