The 4 Agreements Deutsch

The 4 Agreements: A Guide to Personal Freedom in German

The 4 Agreements, written by Don Miguel Ruiz, is a best-selling book in the field of personal development and self-help. The book has been translated into many languages, including German, and has helped millions of people improve their lives by offering practical advice on how to live a happy and fulfilling life.

The 4 Agreements is based on Ruiz`s belief that many of the problems people face in their lives are caused by the agreements they make with themselves and others. According to Ruiz, these agreements are often limiting and can prevent individuals from reaching their full potential and experiencing personal freedom. In this article, we will explore the 4 agreements in the context of the German language and culture.

1. Sei makellos mit deinem Wort

The first agreement is “Be impeccable with your word.” In German, this translates to “Sei makellos mit deinem Wort.” This agreement is about the power of language and emphasizes the importance of speaking truthfully and with integrity. Ruiz believes that our words have the power to create and to destroy and, therefore, we must use language wisely.

In the German culture, honesty and directness are highly valued. Germans are known for being straightforward in their communication, and they expect the same from others. The first agreement, therefore, aligns well with the values of the German culture.

2. Nimm nichts persönlich

The second agreement is “Don`t take anything personally.” In German, this translates to “Nimm nichts persönlich.” This agreement emphasizes the importance of not allowing the opinions and actions of others to affect us personally. Ruiz argues that we often take things personally because of our own beliefs and insecurities, and that this can lead to unnecessary suffering.

In German culture, individualism is highly valued, and people tend to focus on their own opinions and beliefs rather than taking those of others personally. The second agreement, therefore, is aligned with the cultural values of self-confidence and independence.

3. Mach keine Annahmen

The third agreement is “Don`t make assumptions.” In German, this translates to “Mach keine Annahmen.” This agreement focuses on the importance of communication and encourages individuals to ask questions and clarify misunderstandings rather than making assumptions.

In the German culture, direct communication is highly valued, and people tend to be very clear and precise in their language. The third agreement, therefore, is well-aligned with the cultural values of clarity and precision.

4. Immer dein Bestes geben

The fourth agreement is “Always do your best.” In German, this translates to “Immer dein Bestes geben.” This agreement emphasizes the importance of striving for excellence in all areas of our lives and doing our best, regardless of the outcome.

In German culture, hard work and dedication are highly valued, and people are expected to give their best effort at all times. The fourth agreement, therefore, is aligned with the cultural values of diligence and commitment.


The 4 Agreements is a powerful book that offers practical advice on how to live a happy and fulfilling life. The principles outlined in the book are universal and can be applied to any culture or language. In the German language and culture, the 4 agreements are highly relevant and align well with the cultural values of honesty, directness, clarity, and hard work. By applying these principles to our lives, we can all experience personal freedom and live our best lives.