Marco Legal Del Amparo

(a) clear and precise identification of the alleged act or acts and an assessment of the evidence likely to prove or not. (b) the legal grounds they invoke for dismissing the proceedings or declaring the law invoked to be constitutional or unconstitutional. (c) the decisive points with which they must end, clearly and precisely indicating the act or acts by which they refuse, grant or reject amparo (article 77 of the Amparo Act). The purpose of the remedy of amparo is to resolve disputes arising from laws or acts of the authority that violate individual guarantees; by laws or acts of authority that violate or limit the sovereignty of States; and by laws or actions of their authorities that invade the sphere of federal power. (Art. (1) A.A.) These requirements are not enforceable in the context of acts affecting the rights of minors or persons incapable of giving consent, nor in the case of judgments rendered against judgments rendered in disputes concerning civil status actions or affecting the order and stability of the family. RESOURCE. (Topic addressed in Amparo`s indirect study) THE ENFORCEMENT OF THE SENTENCE. (Topic addressed in Amparo`s indirect study) FILE FILE.- (Art. 113 A.A.). – As soon as the file is completely completed, his file PREVENTION OR CLARIFICATION will be ordered.- (Art.

146 L.A.) In the event of an irregularity in the application, if one of the requirements referred to in article 116 of the Amparo Act has been omitted, if the act complained of has not been accurately expressed or if the copies referred to in article 120 of the legal system invoked have not been produced, the corresponding action shall be taken. In order for the complainant to meet the requirements, provide appropriate clarifications or submit the copies within 3 days, and that the judge must express, in the respective order, the irregularities or deficiencies that need to be corrected so that the applicant can correct them if the request is properly satisfied, the judge will grant the request for guarantees. If the applicant does not comply with the impediment formulated by the judge within the prescribed period, his request for guarantees is deemed not to have been made if the acts invoked therein concern only his inheritance or succession; Apart from these cases, after the expiry of the time allowed for the impediment, the prosecutor`s office is transferred for 24 hours so that it can present what corresponds to its representation and, in accordance with what it says, the request is admitted or rejected within 24 hours. I.- Against decisions of district judges or the superior of the competent court who reject or have not filed an application for amparo; This type of amparo is therefore called in view of the fact that it immediately reaches the Collegiate Circuit Courts, as opposed to the indirect Amparo, where access is immediate by filing the application for review. In direct amparo, processing is usually carried out in a single instance, but this rule is not absolute, since there is the exception provided for in article 107, section IX, of the Constitution, in which there may be a second instance by filing the application for review, which will be dealt with in the Supreme Court of the Nation. (Art. In October 2007, Puno declared the legal birth of these two mandatory injunctions as its legacy to the Filipino nation. Puno recognized the invalidity of habeas corpus under Article 102 of the Judicial Code, as government officials repeatedly failed to present the body to the alibi defense after simply presenting it. Las sentencias en el juicio de amparo sólo se ocuparan de los individuos particulares o de las personas morales, privadas u oficiales que lo hubiesen solicitado, limitándose a ampararlos y protegerlos (artículo 76 de la Ley de Amparo). 3. Each State Party undertakes: (a) To ensure that any person whose rights or freedoms recognized in the present document have been violated has an effective remedy, even if the violation has been committed by persons acting in an official capacity; (b) Ensure that any person who exercises such a remedy is established by the competent judicial, administrative or legislative authorities or by any other competent authority provided for in the legal system of the State, and to develop the possibilities of judicial remedy; (c) ensure that the competent authorities apply those corrective measures when they are granted.

The current sources of amparo law are articles 103 and 107 of the Federal Constitution, the Amparo Act of 30. December 1935; the Organic Law of the Judiciary of the Federation of the same date and the Federal Code of Civil Procedure of 31 December 1942, which applies in addition to the Second Ordinance. While questions of constitutionality of laws, international treaties or regulations in the proceedings are not impossible to resolve, they may be raised only in direct proceedings against the final judgment, arbitral award or termination of the proceedings. Mexico`s “recurso de amparo” is found in Articles 103 and 107 of the Mexican Constitution – judicial review of government actions – to empower state courts to protect individuals from state abuse. Amparo has been divided into five legal departments: Resources in the Amparo process.- They are the defenses provided by law to challenge the actions carried out in this procedure, with which they can be modified, revoked or confirmed.