Legal Form Verb

2) Collective nouns representing a group of individuals acting independently. For example, while the word “jury” would take on a singular verb if the judges acted together (“the jury decided that..”), it would adopt a plural verb to emphasize the differences between the groups. He is guilty of the weakness of taking refuge in what I believe to be called, in legal terms, a minor matter. The law only gave you the right to sue him for pecuniary damages for legal damages. Subjects composed of several individual components associated with “and” take plural verbs: “New Horizons and Queens Rising have contracts with the state to provide twenty-four hours of care to young people.” However, there are special cases. Look for introductory words such as “everyone,” “everyone,” “neither,” and “neither.” Again, the basics are simple – we usually add an “s” to the end of a noun to form a plural (a group of more than one “accused” forms “defendants”) and know the most common irregular plurals (a group of more than one “child” is a group of “children”). But here are a few to watch out for. Note that some of these words should be treated differently when used to represent a group of people acting separately (see “Some words you may not know are plural,” below), but some are always singular; For example, whether it is a single person, as in a court of first instance, or a group of people, “the court” is considered an institution and therefore takes on a singular verb. Another proposal would ban cars from blocking the box at intersections, which is legal in some parts of the state. The most notorious states are Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, where death is an acceptable remedy. Companies are not sharing this information, in part because of concerns about the legal consequences Trek now faces. To impose a legal obligation, use “must”. To predict future actions, use “will.” DO NOT SAY: Let the governor approve it.

SAY: The governor must approve it. [Commitment] OR: The governor will approve it. [Future actions] 4. Be direct. Speak directly to your readers. Enjoy the imperative mood. Regulations are suitable for this style, especially procedures, instructions, and to-do lists. The franchise avoids the liability:SAY: Sign all copies. SAY: Attach a copy of your W-2 to your return. This style results in shorter, sharper and easier to understand procedures.

5. Use the present tense. A regulation with continuing effect refers to when you apply it, not when you write it or when it comes into force. For this reason, you should write regulations in the present tense. By drawing in the present tense, you avoid complicated and cumbersome verbal forms. DON`T: The fine for driving without a licence is $10.00. SAY: The fine for driving without a licence is $10.00. 6. Write positively. If you can express an idea positively or negatively, express it positively. DO NOT SAY: The governor cannot appoint persons other than those qualified by the Human Resources Agency. SAY: The governor must appoint a qualified person by the Human Resources Agency.

A negative statement can be clear. Use it when you warn the reader. DON`T WALKDON`T SMOKE But avoid multiple negatives in a sentence. DON`T SAY: A demonstration project will not be approved until all the requirements of the application are met. SAY: A demonstration project will only be approved if the applicant meets all requirements. It is better to express even a negative in a positive form. Although the topic has two components, “Civil Rights Office” and “Human Rights Commission”, they do not have additive quality; See “Some words you may not know are singular” above for a discussion of words like “neither.” However, a plural verb is appropriate if the part of the compound subject closest to the verb is the plural. A few examples illustrate this: 19. Write short sentences. Readable sentences are simple, active, affirmative and declarative. The more a sentence deviates from this structure, the more difficult it is to understand. Long sentences are a fundamental weakness of legal documents.

Legal documents often contain conditions that result in complex sentences with many clauses. The more complex the sentence, the more likely it will be to determine the intended meaning of the sentence. Finally, if a compound subject includes the word “everyone” or “everyone,” use a singular verb. (See “Some words you may not know are singular” above.) Weeks retained an unprecedented legal team, which included bitter political rivals Hamilton and Burr. The author tried to create consistency by matching a plural noun “incidents” with a plural verb “do not sell”. This error is natural because “incidents” appears where the subject is often expected, just before the verb. However, “incidents” actually belongs to a prepositional sentence that modifies a previous word, “nature”, and the word must correspond to this verb: note that “there” is not the subject of the sentence; Pay attention to the verb to find the subject and look for the match. In the first example, the subject “history” is singular and must be associated with “is”. In the second, the topic “criteria” is plural and should be associated with “are”.

The Supreme Court finally intervened and ended legal segregation in the landmark 1954 decision, Brown v.