Legal Decisions Examples

Twitter can be a great resource for digital forensics scientists. It can alert you to new techniques, research articles, court decisions, news, etc. Thanks to Twitter, many people and companies share a lot of news and information directly related to digital forensics. Today, we are bombarded with information, some good and some bad. Following well-known and established entities on Twitter can help reduce “noise” and keep you informed. It is a tool that can help you cope with the speed of change. This is only a selection of people and firms worth tracking (Table 11.1). The power of legal decision is determined in the context of a form of legal separation or in matters of maternity and paternity. When a parent files an application with the court, they ask the court to give them the power to make a legal decision for that child. Similarly, the court does not have the capacity to inject its decisions on court decisions instead of parental decisions. Legal decision-making involves decisions on topics such as medical care, education, etc. The court only has the power to say who can make those decisions. She cannot make decisions for the parents.

Therefore, if there is a particular dispute about which doctor to consult, the court can only designate which parent can make the decision. Paul E. v. Courtney F., __Ariz.__, ___P.3d__ (Ct. App. 2018). This site contains decisions taken since January 2013. Summaries of decisions made between May 2009 and December 2012 are available in the Court`s Archives of Decisions. All decisions are presented chronologically according to the date of issuance, with the most recent decision appearing first. Each decision is thematically accompanied by the appropriate exemption or procedural consideration.

Borgulya, I. Two examples of decision aids in law. Artificial Intelligence and Law 7, 303-321 (1999). In Allan v. Board of Education (1969), the Supreme Court held that changes such as the change from single-member to multi-member districts were “practices or procedures” that could be revised under the law because they could “dilute” the black voice. The Justice Department asked legal officials in the relevant jurisdictions to approve any changes to the electoral process, including plans to redivide electoral districts that reduced the effectiveness of minority votes – for example, by placing minority voters in as few constituencies as possible. Census data on race and ethnicity continue to form the basis for the development of district plans that stand up to legal scrutiny. Cooper v.

Aaron (1958) Holding: States cannot overturn federal court decisions. It should be noted that even if a parent has custody of the child for a certain period of time, such as a weekend, this does not mean that they have legal decision-making authority. This is a very important point that all parents need to understand. Technological advances are so rapid that it is difficult for the legal system to keep pace. Legislation quickly becomes obsolete as new devices and features become available. Court decisions on the search and seizure of digital data or the use of technology must be based on decisions made when the technology to be analyzed was not available. Translating real-world precedents often fails in its application to the virtual world. Philipps, L. 1995. Only decisions based on multiple criteria or: Who gets the Porsche? An application of the fuzzy logic method by Ronald R. Yager. In the proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law.

University of Maryland (pub: ACM), pp. 195-200. Mapp v. Ohio (1961) Held: Illegally acquired material may not be used in criminal proceedings. Although Poisson wrote only occasionally an article on probability before the 1830s, during the last decade of his life he became interested in the problems of legal decision-making raised earlier by Condorcet and Laplace. Poisson presented a summary of his discoveries at two meetings of the Académie des sciences on 14 December 1835 and 11 April 1836, and was attacked by mathematicians Louis Poinsot and Charles Dupin after his second presentation. While Dupin`s criticism was primarily technical, Poinsot`s critique was fundamental and questioned the whole enterprise as an inappropriate application of mathematics, arguing that it was absurd “to present the truth of a witness by a number; In this way, to assimilate men to so many dice, each having several sides, some for error, others for truth. 8 Court decisions and laws have blocked certain topics from interviews: race, gender, marital status, age, disability, sexual orientation and religion, among others, are topics that should be avoided. Not only should these points never be discussed in a job interview or other job-related discussion, but you can`t use them as decision factors. When granting legal decision-making powers, Arizona courts order joint or single legal decision-making.

One of the things that creates a presumption in favour of exclusive legal decision-making is what the courts call “fitness” issues. A fitness problem is essentially something that indicates that a parent is incapable of making decisions. According to the law, there are a number of different things that can justify this presumption or simply prevent a party who has a capacity problem from making a joint legal decision. This includes things like significant family violence or a significant history of family violence (note that the definition of family violence includes child maltreatment) (S.A.A. 25-403.03), drug or alcohol abuse (S.A.A. 25-403.04), or sexual offences (S.S.A. 25-403.05). The civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s led to laws, court decisions, and administrative practices that required the use of census, race, and ethnicity data for reclassification.