Legal and Ethical Environment

In addition to reporting on classical ethicists and philosophers, this edition includes non-traditional ethical voices, such as Ubuntu philosophy in sub-Saharan Africa, to broaden and broaden students` thinking about ethical frameworks. The chapters contain questions and elements of the box that address how issues of diversity, equity and inclusion relate to each topic. The text provides a very general overview of the legal environment for companies. I used it for an online course and felt that important areas such as general labor law, including agency, labor relations (unlimited employment, wage laws, independent contractors), and labor law were missing. Discrimination in the workplace was addressed, but it focused mainly on an overview of existing laws rather than on preventive measures that companies can take to avoid discrimination complaints (e.g. employee handbooks, training, etc.). In addition, immigration law, administrative law, internet law (cyber contracts, offences, acts and crimes), consumer protection, corporate governance and environmental law were not discussed at all or only minimally. Despite the title of the book, there has been very little discussion of ethics, or at least not enough to include it in the title of the textbook. The chapter on contracts covered basic contract theory and defence, but did not discuss UCC, remedies, and commercial leases.

There was also a missing chapter on the law of creditors and debtors, in particular the law on fair debt collection practices, and bankruptcy. In my opinion, this book should either be heavily supplemented with additional material or would be more appropriate for a high school business law course. Please add to your Safe Senders list to ensure the email is delivered. If you have not received the email within 2 business days and have checked your SPAM/Spam file, please contact us at or 1-800-950-5259. The book also meets the needs of students who will be confronted with an increasingly international business environment. The integrated coverage of international issues goes beyond comparative law issues and includes key issues of international business law, such as bribery and the law on foreign corrupt practices, key provisions of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and regulations of the Uniform Commercial Code and the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Each chapter contains not only substantive law, but also vivid videos, interactive exercises for hands-on learning, and discussion questions for critical thinking. In addition, each chapter contains the “A Matter of Ethics” section, which contains real ethical dilemmas relevant to the topic at hand. These videos, exercises, discussion questions, and ethics sections provide students with the opportunity to apply the concepts they learn in the context of relevant topics that shape or limit the actions of actual decision makers. This is a real practice in classroom safety. GERALD R. FERRERA is the Gregory H.

Adamian Professor Emeritus of Law at Bentley University and was the first member of the law school to hold this endowed chair. In 2002, Professor Ferrera received the Award of Excellence from the Academy of Legal Studies in Business. He was President of Bentley`s Legal Department for 17 years. During his 45 years teaching at Bentley University, he has worked in the legal environment of developing business curricula with an ethical component and has co-authored textbooks on business law, business legal environment, and cyber law. Ses articles scientifiques sur l’éthique et la jurisprudence, rédigés ou coauteurs, ont été publiés dans l’American Journal of Jurisprudence et le Richmond Journal of Law and the Public Interest. Er ist auch Autor oder Co-Autor von veröffentlichten Materialien im New York University School of Law Journal of Legislation and Public Policy, dem Northwestern Journal of Technology and Intellectual Property, dem Texas Intellectual Property Law Journal, dem American Business Law Journal, Marquette Law Review, Pepperdine Law Review, Journal of Legal Studies Education, Business Law Review und Cleveland State Law Review. Derzeit ist er Research Fellow am Center for Business Ethics der Bentley University und ehemaliger Präsident und derzeitiges Mitglied des Executive Committee der North Atlantic Regional Business Law Association. Er erhielt den Ralph C. Hober Publication Award der Academy of Legal Studies in Business und den Bentley University Scholar of the Year Award. Zu seinen Lehrpreisen zählen der Gregory H. Adamian Excellence in Teaching Award from Bentley University, numerous Bentley University Innovation in Teaching Awards, and the Master Teacher Award from the Academy of Legal Studies in Business. He holds a B.S.

in Finance from Boston College, a J.D. from the New England School of Law/Boston, and a in Taxation from Bentley. He is a member of the Massachusetts State Bar and the Federal Bar Association. The text was relevant to today`s world and mainly used current legal situations to connect the dots to understanding.