How to Link Articles to Your Website

Previously, you prevented the value of the link from being lost to unimportant links by assigning them a nofollow tag. A nofollow tag asks Google not to follow the link, so no link value is lost. Now, you may be thinking, “I`m not going to follow less important links to give more value to the most important links.” While this has worked in the past, Google has become more proficient. Now, it seems that the link value for these nofollow links does not automatically flow to the other links on the page. The nofollow link is counted as a link and the link value for that link is lost. Therefore, it makes more sense to have fewer links on a page instead of not following some of the links. Use the Web Address tab when you want to link to external sites or content, such as a friend`s work site or a third-party service that you use with your site. Note: Do not change any data or results when creating your chart. A graph is supposed to show the results you actually got, good or bad. An accurate graphic will build your brand and create a reputation for expertise.

An inaccuracy will destroy your brand and cause people to lose trust in you. Let me give you an example. The Content Marketing Institute has a lot of links. What types of websites are related to CMI? Next, you need to determine what your most important content is. If you are not sure, please read our article on cornerstones. In short, this is your best and most complete content; It`s the heart of your business. It`s the content you want people to find when they search for topics or products you specialize in. A good link strategy is a good growth strategy, plain and simple. In addition to linking to articles and topic pages, it`s possible to make your basic content more reliable by adding links from the homepage or top navigation. You should do this with the most important posts and pages for your business.

This gives these posts or pages a high link value and makes them stronger in the eyes of Google. If these terms are Greek to you, don`t sweat. Here`s the big idea: the internal mesh is great. Since you want Google to know that this is your most important content, you`ll need to add a lot of links. There are several places from which you can link to your basic content. Here we give you the most common options, from copying your message to browsing. Follow these simple steps to turn your old content into a Slideshare presentation: Links to external websites, if done correctly, offer several advantages: Willemien explains this in detail in this article about links to related articles. Take the time quarterly (or periodically) to check your content for outdated or broken links. Why is this important? In this article, I`ve introduced you to eleven effective strategies for getting authority backlinks. But what about the content? If you have hierarchical pages on your site, link the parent pages to their child pages, and vice versa.

Also, don`t forget to link sister pages together. These pages need to be connected to each other on a well-organized website, and it makes perfect sense to connect them that way. There are different types of internal links. In addition to links on your homepage, menu, publishing feed, etc., you can also add links to your content. These are what we call contextual links. Contextual links direct your users to interesting and related content. In addition, they allow search engines to know what content is related to your website and determine its value. The more links an important page receives, the more important it seems to search engines. Therefore, good internal links are crucial for your SEO. Once you have your article, it`s now a question of where to publish it.

There are several ways to submit articles on the Internet. There are blogs, directories, free website services (,,, and even some services that specifically accept article submissions ( and, to name a few). Each has its different advantages and disadvantages. Marketers use content as an online attraction to drive traffic to their web properties, but the links in the content are part of home staging. Without it, content is one-dimensional and misses its main purpose: to act as a living, breathing, strategic, and multi-layered traffic generator for a brand or business. At the publishing level, the Yoast SEO plugin helps you make sure you think about internal links. In the plugin`s metabox – or sidebar as shown below – Yoast SEO`s internal link classification checks whether you`ve linked to other pages on your website in your text. It also checks whether these links are being followed or not. Search Engine Optimization Perspective: Even though permission has been granted to reprint content online, this is not advisable from a search engine optimization perspective. Without certain “no follow” statements implemented in the code behind the content, one or both sites can be penalized by Google if they offer identical content. Google calls this content “duplicated” and strongly advises against it because it is fresh and unique search queries.

Imagine if all the results we get when we do a search were the same? That would not be helpful. Remember the freshness factor when compiling blog posts and stick to reference links that are no more than two years old, depending on the topic of the blog post. By now, you probably know how important internal meshing is for SEO. But it`s not always easy to choose articles – and relevant articles – to link to. Even if you have a small website, you may not remember every piece of content you`ve published. And if you run a medium to large website, especially one where different people can write and publish content, it`s really hard to know all the content you have on a particular topic. In this case, the internal mesh can take much longer than it should. Step #5: Save your chart.

Right-click on the graphic and choose “Save Image As”. Save it to your PC and you`re good to go. When readers encounter broken or outdated external links in your content, it diminishes their experience and they might start losing faith in your credibility. Identify your competitor`s website URL: You don`t have to reinvent the link building wheel. Derek Halpern rightly said: “The secret to success is simple. Find out what works and do something similar, but better. Find out what`s not working and avoid it. If you stray from your niche, you will get unwanted website links in outside niches. Unwanted websites in niches out of niche ruin the authority of your website. The secret to getting the best type of links to your content is to publish the best type of content for your niche. Link building now goes far beyond article marketing and blogging.

Think outside the box. To make your inbound links look natural, you need to add value to readers. In a grid gallery block, specify clickable URL links to open in a new tab by selecting the Design tab option. This option applies to all images in the grid gallery block. However, the problem arises when content marketers lose sight of their goals and therefore don`t have the right perspective on techniques that support the discoverability of quality content. Your content marketing goals should guide your content marketing practices and techniques. In the next sentence, the term “cheap cell phones” would be the anchor text of a link to “” The word “resource” can be defined as “something (or someone) that is a source of help.” For our purposes, this means content that benefits your users. While researching and writing this article, I didn`t lose a single thought about a keyword. However, I can imagine that at some point, this article could rank for queries like “best practices for links in content” and “use of links in content marketing”. You can also use PR techniques to position your brand for media attention. Press releases are also very effective in improving your search rankings.

In fact, you can be placed on Google`s first page of results within 48 hours if your press release is selected by trusted sites like CNN, Bloomberg, Inc, BusinessInsider, Time, BBC, etc. From an authorization perspective: First, republishing an article requires permission from the author and, in some cases, the company the author works for. We recommend that you obtain it in writing before proceeding. In many cases, even with permission to republish articles, there may be specific specifications on how to display content, attribution, attributes, and links. If a competitor has received a few links from five authority blogs and therefore ranks second on search results pages, all you have to do is find out how they did it. Then you can outsmart them little by little. If you add multiple links in every paragraph of a blog post, you`ve probably overdone it. Try to stick to three to five inbound and outbound links per 1000 words. This can go a little higher if you`re a content-based website that offers educational research and blog posts. The last option to mention is to create internal links to the most popular or recent posts on your site. Preferably, create these sections in the sidebar or footer of your site so that they appear on all pages and posts.