Edad Legal Para Tomar En Colombia

The Bavarian Foundation has promoted strategies to reduce the alcohol consumption of minors in the state. In this sense, the latest report presented by the New Directions Corporation as part of the launch event of the “Fair Play” program clearly confirms the increase in alcoholic substances in this population: Housni stresses that the project is only about raising the age and forcing the authorities to monitor the stores where alcohol is sold. “It`s the same current regulation, but increasing the minimum age,” he said. Research shows that this exhibition arouses curiosity and that cultural aspects are added to it, which promotes the consumption of alcohol before reaching the authorized age. Rep. Jack Housni introduced a bill that raises the minimum age for alcohol consumption. The minimum legal age for alcohol consumption or the legal age for alcohol consumption is the minimum age from which a person can legally buy and/or consume alcoholic beverages. After prohibition, almost every state passed legislation setting the legal minimum age of 21 for alcohol consumption. However, between 1970 and 1975, 29 states lowered the legal drinking age to 18, 19 or 20, mainly in response to changes in the voting age. Studies conducted at the time showed that as states lowered the legal drinking age, the number of traffic accidents involving minors increased. In addition, the “bloody borders” between states with different legal minimum age limits for alcohol consumption have attracted public attention after the media widely reported some car accidents involving young people who have not reached the legal drinking age but have been able to drive in a border state of a lower permissible age, where they drink legally and have a car accident on the street.

could cause. Go home. However, more than health reasons, the delay in the legal minimum age to buy alcohol is often due to religious reasons, especially the preponderance of Islam, a denomination that prohibits alcohol consumption. This happens in some parts of the Arab world, such as Egypt, Syria or Oman, and in Southeast Asian countries with large Muslim populations such as Sri Lanka, Thailand or Indonesia. The same goes for Eritrea, the country with the highest legal age in the world (25 years). In some of these countries, there is even a total ban on the purchase of alcohol, for example in Yemen, Sudan, Saudi Arabia or Libya. “Obviously, there will be very strong resistance from certain sectors of production, trade and industry, but we will see what is imposed, whether it is a more responsible criterion with our young people that meets common interests, or another that meets certain interests,” Housni said. The World Health Organization (WHO) is estimated at 3.3 million. inappropriate alcohol consumption. This figure corresponds to 5.9% of deaths worldwide, adds the multilateral organization. The project also argues that in 2012 there were 3,285 cases of diseases caused by the consumption of intoxicating beverages such as alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, alcoholic fatty liver disease, alcoholic hepatitis and others throughout the national territory. According to the WHO, the age of 21 is the minimum to consume alcoholic beverages in the United States.

while in other countries such as Germany and Belgium, it is reduced to 16 years, but not for all spirits, but for certain classifications such as beer. It is a drug that has the same harmful effects as any other substance consumed illegally. It seems to us that an 18-year-old should take care of other things before starting to consume alcohol. It will be difficult because it involves a cultural change,” the representative said. With this information, the authorities and private institutions develop awareness-raising activities on the risk of alcohol consumption as a minor. Similarly, we try to do pedagogy on social-emotional skills, with the aim of positively influencing the young people of the country. A bill to increase the ban on the sale and consumption of alcohol to young people aged 18 to 21, submitted Wednesday by Jack Housni, representative of the Liberal Party in the House of Representatives for San Andrés.According to the member of Congress, the project assumes that the consumption of alcohol causes problems related to the consumption of alcohol as violence. Youth mortality, dropping out of school and the path to stronger or more banned drugs. A new debate has been launched in the country since last week, following the initiative proposing to amend Article 1 of Law 124 of 1994, which raises the age to twenty-one (21) years, ± years for the consumption and sale of intoxicating drinks and other regulations. [Maximum age for alcohol consumption] a bill by Liberal MP Jack Housni, which states that alcohol use “causes alcohol-related problems such as violence, youth mortality, dropping out of school and the path to drugs that are stronger or prohibited by law.” In Spain± we know that the Ministry of Health is preparing a new law to unify the rules of all the autonomous communities regarding alcohol consumption.

Despite the ban on buying and consuming alcoholic beverages for children under the age of 18±± in Spain, the age at which consumption began is 13± years and the percentage of minors who realize that they drink every weekend and like Senator Hernã¡n Andrade, the deputy of the PP, continues to increase. Joaquãn Villanova opened the debate by increasing the possibility of increasing the ban on alcohol to 21 years. Currently, the minimum age to consume and buy alcohol in Colombia is 18 ± years, the same as in Latin©American countries such as Argentina, Peru, Mexico©, Chile, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Ecuador, Panama, Cuba, Costa Rica, Honduras, Bolivia and Puerto Rico. But there is one exception: in Paraguay, the minimum age is 21± years. Then he is 18 years old in all other Spanish-speaking countries± although various sources suggest that in Jamaica, consumption of 16 years ± years is allowed. The project includes figures from the World Health Organization (WHO), which estimate the number of deaths worldwide related to alcohol abuse at 3.3 million. This figure represents 5.9% of deaths worldwide. In addition, the project argues that in 2012 there were 3,285 cases of diseases caused by the consumption of intoxicating beverages such as alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, alcoholic fatty liver disease, alcoholic hepatitis± throughout Germany. The Liberal representative of San Andrés and Providencia, Jack Housni, reiterated his support for the representatives of the Seventh Committee. “We have opened the debate and it is important to know what is happening with alcohol in Colombia. We will talk about the importance of increasing the ban on alcohol to 21,” the congressman said.

There are also about twenty countries where children of all ages can buy this type of drink a priori. China, where the Child Protection Law is ignored, is one of them. On the other hand, there are also countries that have decided to move this limit and put it below 18 years, most of them in Europe.