Blue Sky Filing Requirements by State

The last thing a private fund wants to do is deposit in the wrong condition and acknowledge its mistake after the 15-day registration window expires. If you do not submit in the right conditions at the beginning, it may result in late fees or worse. No filing fees associated with Regulation D exemptions Some issuers file an application “in a protective manner” for fear of not registering in a particular U.S. state, often with the help of third parties. While this eliminates the risk of not being able to deposit, it comes at a cost (as fees are usually per deposit state). These costs (although often an expense of the fund) can weigh on the return or increase the expense ratio. New Blue Sky deposit requirementsFrom 2. In December 2020, issuers selling securities in New York under Regulation D must file a Form D and file payment of the applicable filing fee through EFD within 15 days of the first sale to a state resident. The amendments also eliminate the requirement for electronic filings to file a U-2 Notarized Form and a State Notice and other State Notices separately with the Department of State of New York. New York will not accept new filings for the renewal of Form 99 or 99 after February 1, 2021. Form D filings must be filed using the SEC`s EDGAR filing system. Issuers that filed an active Form 99 in New York may continue to file amendments until December 2, 2024 and rely on the existing Form 99.

Instead of filing an amended Form 99, exhibitors with an active Form 99 may choose to first file a Form D with the SEC, then in New York via EFD and pay the full filing fee again. Issuers will receive a new registration date and will be required to submit all related filings (i.e., amendments and renewals) through the LFSs. There is a common misconception that only private fund advisors who are required to register with the SEC as RIA companies may be required to file Blue Sky and Form D. It is important to note that the private fund advisor`s registration status does not affect the advisor`s potential request to submit Blue Sky or Form D. This means that small fund advisors who are not required to register as RIAs with the relevant states or the SEC, as well as exempt reporting advisor (“ERA”) firms, typically still have Blue Sky and Form D filing requirements. While a fund advisor may not have reached the size threshold for filing a Form PF through the P&C deposit system, they must ensure that all other filing requirements for forms ADV, Blue Sky and D are still met. Late registration fee. 1/10 of 1% of the offer value of a federal issue of covered securities with a maximum default fee of $525 is imposed in the following circumstances: (1) An application is made to waive the provisions of RSA 421-B:3-303(c)(2); (2) securities sold in that State are registered more than on the actual application filed with the Secretary of State if the maximum registration fee has not been paid; or (3) The application for registration is amended to increase the amount registered in that State, if the maximum registration fee has not been paid, after the entry into force of the registration in that State; Or Since Blue Sky enrollment requirements vary from state to state, annual change requirements also vary. While some states may not require an annual change, other states may require blue sky amendments to be submitted annually. We strongly recommend that the Company`s Chief Compliance Officer (“COC”) review each state`s requirements annually, as rules and regulations from previous years may have been updated. Registration by notification – Some states allow proven issuers to simply file a notice before offering their securities. This allows issuers to automatically offer securities for sale after a certain period of time, unless the state administrative authority takes steps to prevent the offer.

*State registration fees are subject to change without notice. Please check with each state regulator for specific requirements and variables. Each state has its own securities laws, called “blue sky laws,” to protect residents from securities fraud. While federal law generally anticipates the ability of states to regulate the offering and sale of most securities, states retain the power to impose termination and bidding requirements for bids within their limits. Most states require issuers to file a Form D, consent to serve the process, and pay a filing fee within 15 days of the first sale in the state. Fund managers should examine the jurisdiction in which the buyer accepted the offer to determine which blue sky state laws apply. isolated transactions in the issuance of securities; offers or sales to a limited number of offers or buyers within a certain period of time; broadcasts that are considered private offers in accordance with Rule 504; and emissions to a predefined but limited number of buyers. General Transaction Fees: Persons currently involved in securities transactions in the Virgin Islands must pay a $50 fee for filing terminations, withdrawals, notifications and other documents with the Banking and Insurance Division. The mention of a blue sky could evoke in readers thoughts of holidays that are fast approaching (hopefully with minimal pain at the airport) or seemingly endless school holidays.

However, Blue Sky deposits for non-U.S. funds seeking to raise assets in the U.S. can trigger a colder overall response. The purpose of this short article, created with the kind support of Agile Legal, is: ConclusionNYAG amendments streamline and standardize New York`s Blue Sky filing requirements to meet federal securities registration requirements and blue Sky requirements of most states. THE IPB`s new rules for Blue Sky submission requirements are available at this link and its guidance on these requirements is available at this link. If you have any questions about these changes to New York`s Blue Sky filing requirements, please contact a member of Harter Secrest & Emery LLP`s Securities and Markets Group at 716.853.1616 or 585.232.6500. But it`s not always clear where an investor, such as a company or trust, receives or accepts an offer. Some fund managers mistakenly assume that the Blue Sky laws of the company`s founding state apply. However, the state`s Blue Sky laws generally consider a company`s primary place of business to be where the offer was accepted. Determining the company`s headquarters can be difficult, but it is usually where executives direct, control, and coordinate the company`s activities. Usually, this activity takes place at the headquarters of a company, but not always.

Registration under federal law focuses on sharing information with sellers and buyers. States adopt this approach, but may also impose a test to ensure that the safety delivered meets certain quality standards. This is called a performance review. The performance review looks at certain qualities, such as the financial stability of the issuing company. Other checks may relate to the conditions or rights associated with the guarantee issued. With this in mind, states typically use one of three registration methods for issuers of securities: $300 for offers of $500,000 or less, $1,200 for offers over $500,000 * Companies involved in real estate activities are subject to different fees and must always file in the state Please select a state to verify its filing requirements.